Thanks, Jonathan!

By , October 12, 2006 01:05


Jonathan has great ideas and comments on the future of DCs, check it out:

And also read my comments on that in his comments section!

CEC2006: Before and after flight back home…

By , October 6, 2006 03:54

On the afternoon, we once again went dining, and again, had our french nose with us (Thanks, Eric for the nose, and thanks, Dave, for the nick-name). We went to First Crush, did have a marvelleous wine from bonny doon with our dinner, and enjoyed ourselves. Sad, that we only meet at such rare occasions.

The flight back was without further ado, so, now I’m back home. See you all monday!


CEC2006: The end, my friend… ;-)

By , October 4, 2006 18:11

As mentioned earlier, I was backstage again at the closing general sessions, again doing the email-to-stage conversion. As usual, when we do have celebrities on stage (and: Yes, it was Jonathan!), there is little feedback creeping in from the field. Still, we got enough to keep JIS busy answering the different topics. Most important for me was his statement w.r.t. us OEM-ing or not OEM-ing Windows on our x64-based servers. It’s a clear statement:

As the hardware gets commodity, guess who will be the one making money in a competitive bid: HP? IBM? Sun? If only they would… ;-) It’s Microsoft, and no-one else. So, folks, do not expect us to anytime soon OEM-ing MS, although they are great business partners for us. Solaris is one of our core competencies, so let’s embrace that.

The future will show, how well we did in doing so, but only, if you all propose it earnest and eagerly.

The second topic, that always comes up, is the question w.r.t. when Jonathan will get rid of his ponytail. We had the lucky situation, that we got an sms stating: “No, it wont go!”, and Jonathan laughed and said (as we put the first 5 numbers of the phonenumber on stage): “That’s probably my wife, so you got your answer!”

With that, I’m closing down my reports from the CEC2006, and want to give a summary, from my limited view:

a.) This was the first time, I had been on the staff (and the forth time I had the honour to go the the CEC), so I did miss the atmosphere in the big crowded general sessions, and couldn’t completely follow the messages delivered by the VIPs.

b.) As I have been a speaker myself during two session blocks, I couldn’t visit to many other sessions.

Still, what I did hear from others, and I can second that: It was a great conference, did provide us all with a good thrill, and makes us leave for home with much new energy.

P.S.: The videos shall be on and Sun internally on mediaproduction.sfbay


CEC2006: End of Day two and Day three…

By , October 4, 2006 11:04

Good morning everyone,

this is the third and last day of the CEC2006, again, a very great conference and experience! Continuing my entries from yesterday, Hartmut and me were giving our talk on “Not Supported” and how this effects sales and can be circumvented. We had a lot of discussions with the people in the talk during the sessions (and afterwards!), and we had the impression, that they liked, what we were talking about. We only had 10 slides, but the “participation age” took of, and even happened in these presos.

And after that, we had the annual CEC Party, check out the others blogs on videos and comments on that.

This morning did start with again breakout sessions, and Ulrich Graef and myself were giving a talk on “Solaris 10 Zones – Best practices and N1 SPS Implementation”. Uli and I had the impression, that those who were there got news to take away back home, and positively, none fell asleep after a long night of partying.

Now, I’m again sitting backstage and am desperately awaiting incoming emails (please send them, we need questions!) to present to all the folks front-stage.

Next on stage will be Jonathan, giving the last preso of the CEC this year. We all await him, and expect to be enthrilled!


CEC2006: Day two, the afternoon…

By , October 3, 2006 16:32

After the morning sessions were over (check the blogs of the others, that you can access via the technorati tag cec2006), I was a little lazy, and only visited one session.

And that was the session given by our nice lady of marketing from the N1 marketing Team, Renu Motwani, on “Managing Business Services with N1”. It’s been a nice introductory session, providing information on the individual pieces from the N1 portfolio, and how they all mix and match together. As I’m deep into that, that was not the kind of information for me, but there were some in that session, that seemed to be the right audience. I’m curious, as to how that kind of basic info did not yet come through to all of Sun’s field folks… ;-)

So, now it’s up to me to give my speech together with Hartmut Streppel on: “Not Supported” and what it all means… ;-)

See you in room 2022 in a couple of minutes… ;-)


CEC2006: Again: Backstage

By , October 3, 2006 08:12

After the sessions yesterday, I joined Constantin Gonzalez for his daily podcast on the events of the day. I did report on the two provisioning sessions mentioned above. So, for those internal to Sun, check Constantin’s Blog for the links.

Cindy Hill, who runs Sun Library, made a great announcement during that podcast: Saturn, the online Library with over 4000 publications will be online for every Sunnie starting today, so go, check it out!

And just to give you an idea: Yesterday during the general sessions we got around 120 email messages, more then 500 text messages, and uncounted AIM chats. So, sorry for those, whose input didn’t make it to the front screens, there simply were too much. If we would have allowed to let them all go through un-edited, you would not have been able to read, because they would have been running (rushing) across the screen…

So, today for the second round: I’ll be checking your emails again, and forwarding them to Brian Down, who is the mixer of all the three incoming streams (SMS: +1-415-430-5833, email:, AIM: ceclive), which will then be placed nicely on screen by Constantin Gonzalez. SMS had been handled by Franz Haberhauer yesterday, today it will be Kris Buggenhout and Kris, AIM is handled by Erik Fischer, and, as mentioned, email is done by myself.

So, again: Enjoy the show, and send in, what you feel and like to ask!


First CEC2006 breakout sessions today…

By , October 2, 2006 17:58

So, after lunch, I went to a couple of sessions.

I started with my Colleague Tim Read, and his session on how to “provision Oracle 10g R2 RAC with N1 SPS”. This was a mixed session, preso plus demo!

Great session, and although he claimed his software (which will become part of the standard N1 SPS plugin collection, and therefore is close to being productized) to be pre-alpha, I have seen worse software, that claims to be at least 1.0…

So, this set of two plugins will enable the user of N1 SPS to install, start, stop, and scale Oracle 10g R2 RAC installation, together with SunCluster, and it is written in a way, that it also will be able to be applicable to already done installations to enhance the overall management possibilities.


Then I went to Jason Carolan’s and Mikael Lofstrand’s session on “Dynamic Infrastructure: Presentation and Demo”. After Jason’s standard disclaimer, that this is field stuff, and not yet ready for customer usage, they did present on their approach to create a framework for plugging in app-deployment on the third tier together with a set of scripts to enable network components to be managed and configured according to the applications needs.

As it was slightly “hacked”, it did suffer a little bit, compared to Tim’s excellent Oracle PlugIn demo. Still:

Great Stuff!

After that I went in to the two architects on the global Vodafone team, Olaf Schnapauff and Adrian Johns to listen to their presentation on “Successfully re-architecting one of Sun’s largest Customers – Sun’s Vodafone Engagement”.

As this was more around the engagement process, it might have been a little bit boring for the geeks, aka, those, that are only interested in deep dive technical detailed stuff. Still, they presented lots on how to help a big innovation company (and Telcos in the mobile industry need to innovate to keep customers or get new customers!) on being innovative. This is one of Sun’s largest users of T1000 and T2000 servers (more then 500!), and they have achieved large cost savings in doing so. Just check the joined webpage for more information. Overall, Sun is not leading in this engagement with technology, but with also innovation.

Rating: great stuff

That’s it for now, more later!


First general CEC session

By , October 2, 2006 09:14

Again, this is a message from the CEC2006:

I’m sitting backstage, being the transfer agent from the emails coming in to to the on-stage display station, and that works reasonable well… Although there aren’t that many messages coming in… :-)

The sad thing about this is: Sitting backstage, I don’t get that much from front-stage, so I might not be able to comment much on the general sessions at all…

Still: Enjoy the CEC!


CEC started…

By , October 1, 2006 18:35


CEC2006 just started with the state of the union speaches, and I have already been doing work, because I’m on the staff, and partly responsible for the interactive parts of the general sessions. The rooms at Moscone are nicely setup, network (WiFi: CEC2006) also exists, so hopefully, we will get the “participation age” going. Note: I had problems to use Punchin from Solaris there, and might be forced to use Windows with VPN to dial into SWAN, but stay tuned.

With that: Have a great CEC!


Again, u*Blog on Treo…

By , October 1, 2006 17:18

Aaron did ask in a comment, so here’s the answer:

With, and that’s the only one I use currently, it’s fairly simple, as said:

On the right side, you have the “Edit Blog” entry. If you open it, there are a small number of necessary entries:

Name: Your Name to remember on the palm
Type: Select metaWeblog
User Name: Your login into the blogosphere
Password: You should know that… ;-)
Host: (for me!)
XML-RPC Path: /roller-services/xmlrpc
Blog ID: Should be the same as your login

Then simply select new Post, write the post (title, and content) and press the 5th image from left at the lower line… ;-)

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