CEC2006 just started with the state of the union speaches, and I have already been doing work, because I’m on the staff, and partly responsible for the interactive parts of the general sessions. The rooms at Moscone are nicely setup, network (WiFi: CEC2006) also exists, so hopefully, we will get the “participation age” going. Note: I had problems to use Punchin from Solaris there, and might be forced to use Windows with VPN to dial into SWAN, but stay tuned.
With that: Have a great CEC!
tags: cec2006
Aaron did ask in a comment, so here’s the answer:
With, and that’s the only one I use currently, it’s fairly simple, as said:
On the right side, you have the “Edit Blog” entry. If you open it, there are a small number of necessary entries:
Name: Your Name to remember on the palm
Type: Select metaWeblog
User Name: Your login into the blogosphere
Password: You should know that… ;-)
Host: (for me!)
XML-RPC Path: /roller-services/xmlrpc
Blog ID: Should be the same as your login
Then simply select new Post, write the post (title, and content) and press the 5th image from left at the lower line… ;-)