Again, u*Blog on Treo…

By , October 1, 2006 17:18

Aaron did ask in a comment, so here’s the answer:

With, and that’s the only one I use currently, it’s fairly simple, as said:

On the right side, you have the “Edit Blog” entry. If you open it, there are a small number of necessary entries:

Name: Your Name to remember on the palm
Type: Select metaWeblog
User Name: Your login into the blogosphere
Password: You should know that… ;-)
Host: (for me!)
XML-RPC Path: /roller-services/xmlrpc
Blog ID: Should be the same as your login

Then simply select new Post, write the post (title, and content) and press the 5th image from left at the lower line… ;-)

One Response to “Again, u*Blog on Treo…”

  1. Aaron says:

    Hey, thanks! I got it working this weekend. It’s so cool. The interface for attaching photos is a bit kludgy and there is that strange error message, but other than that it works great! Best of all it’s freeware:)

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