CEC2006: The end, my friend… ;-)

By , October 4, 2006 18:11

As mentioned earlier, I was backstage again at the closing general sessions, again doing the email-to-stage conversion. As usual, when we do have celebrities on stage (and: Yes, it was Jonathan!), there is little feedback creeping in from the field. Still, we got enough to keep JIS busy answering the different topics. Most important for me was his statement w.r.t. us OEM-ing or not OEM-ing Windows on our x64-based servers. It’s a clear statement:

As the hardware gets commodity, guess who will be the one making money in a competitive bid: HP? IBM? Sun? If only they would… ;-) It’s Microsoft, and no-one else. So, folks, do not expect us to anytime soon OEM-ing MS, although they are great business partners for us. Solaris is one of our core competencies, so let’s embrace that.

The future will show, how well we did in doing so, but only, if you all propose it earnest and eagerly.

The second topic, that always comes up, is the question w.r.t. when Jonathan will get rid of his ponytail. We had the lucky situation, that we got an sms stating: “No, it wont go!”, and Jonathan laughed and said (as we put the first 5 numbers of the phonenumber on stage): “That’s probably my wife, so you got your answer!”

With that, I’m closing down my reports from the CEC2006, and want to give a summary, from my limited view:

a.) This was the first time, I had been on the staff (and the forth time I had the honour to go the the CEC), so I did miss the atmosphere in the big crowded general sessions, and couldn’t completely follow the messages delivered by the VIPs.

b.) As I have been a speaker myself during two session blocks, I couldn’t visit to many other sessions.

Still, what I did hear from others, and I can second that: It was a great conference, did provide us all with a good thrill, and makes us leave for home with much new energy.

P.S.: The videos shall be on sun.feedroom.com and Sun internally on mediaproduction.sfbay


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