The Ultimate Device

By , October 9, 2007 15:33

I never ever thought, I might envy people for their devices…

But: This is the time…

You’ve ever seen an iPhone in action? You ever saw, how easy it gets to use a mobile device to access all the things on the internet? How smooth the display of big web-pages can be? How nice eMail can look on a phone? How easy it is to chat from your phone either via IM or SMS? How sleek a device running an Unix-like operating system can look like in the palm of your hand? How nice it feels to hold it? I could rant on forever… ;-)

This surely is a MUST-HAVE device, and I’m actively considering getting one… If only they could be used with EVERY networkprovider, and having the additional UMTS protocol implemented for us in Europe…

Damned, I never thought being forced to really consider to “hack” a tool to be able to use it was so challenging…



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