
By , September 26, 2017 09:41

In the microservices world, terms like serverless and function are the newest kids on the block.
But, they are only evolutionary steps towards the next step:
And as happened to me last week just by accident, when I wanted to describe function and serverless, I accidentally talked about “functionless”. So, we now need to create the term “functionless” as the next evolutionary step after function and serverless.

Just as Burr Sutter said in his today’s keynote are Red Hat’s Tech Exchange conference: Serverless is a misnomer, because what serverless means, is, they’re there but you can ignore them.

So functionless is, when some other logic takes care of creating services from functions, and you don’t need to worry about the how.

So, basically, serverless is the Ansible of Microservices:
Describe the end-state, and some cool tool builds it for you…

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