Bert Rürup (5)

By , May 27, 2009 04:44

Again, I did start this week with a visit to Bert Rürump’s lecture. This week he did talk about further factors for influencing growth in an economy: The “amount of money in circulation” and the “key interest rate” (or for our american friends: “prime rate”), and how these do influence the economy. For more details, it is again a good idea to check Wikipedia, I always found their descriptions very useful: Money Supply. Sadly, the ones on the other factor are a bit terse, still, here’re the links: Interest Rate and Prime Rate


P.S.: An addition to last week’s lecture: We do have to differentiate between taxes and insurances, when looking at all the dues we have to pay. Some are dues with no right on payback (for example: income tax,, some are dues with an entitlement for payback (for example: unimployment insurance). Sadly, many people always do the sum, and never differentiate between these two. When comparing the dues you have to pay in different countries, you have to look at those precisely, because there are countries, where for example the unimployment insurance is NOT done by goverment, but needs to be done privately. Therefore you can NOT compare the dues that are deducted from your income across countries.

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