CloudCamp Frankfurt

By , September 29, 2009 05:03

Yesterday I had been visiting CloudCamp Frankfurt. You can follow what many of the attendees had been saying by following the #cloudcampfra Twitter hashtag. Some photos can also be found at Flickr. The list of participants can be found at:

So, what were my impressions?

First: I like the Museum of Moving Images (Filmmuseum) in Frankfurt, it’s a really nice place, and has a very attractive cinema with a really good program.

So, this location has been selected to host CloudCampFRA: It’s obvious, that it’s not a congress center, but given the relatively small number of participants, the selection was a good one. A small caveat: The main presentations should have been given in the downstairs cinema. That would have solved the heat problem and the L-shaped audience…

The lightning talks were nothing new for me, as I already had been giving a lot of thoughts to clouds. Some were entertaining, some simply didn’t contain anything new. For more details, check Philipp Strube’s feedback, which sadly is in german only.

So, what’s the overall feedback?

I have been missing discussions and lightning talks on the “Trust” aspect, which currently (IMHO) prevents a widespread adoption of clouds.

Security is only (mostly) seen as a technical problem, not also as a trust problem.

Google did withdraw its participation on very short notice, I would have loved to discuss Google Wave and its influence on future Cloud-shaping.

The discussions in the workshops and during Networking at the beginning and during lunch snack breaks were very good!


P.S.: Thanks to Dirk Schneider from I did learn that the trust problem at least seems solvable, they don’t have those talks any more. That’s a good sign!

P.P.S.: Next #cloudcampfra will be in approx 6 months.

P.P.P.S.: Thanks for organizing, it was worth spending the time!

UPDATE: P.P.P.P.S.: Mark Masterson, organizer, did write his feedback here.
P.P.P.P.P.S.: Slides are here.

Petabytes and the Backblaze Pod… ;-(

By , September 3, 2009 04:50

A new company name Backblaze announced the petabyte storage pod:

I’m curious as to WHY any data-security concious person should want to hand over petabytes of storage to a NON-ZFS based storage solution?

But, there’s hope: You could run the solution, that Nexenta uses directly from the OpenSolaris download page, and use that instead. I did not try it, but to me it seems feasable.

I personally would not trust Linux with so much storage! Silent data corruption on such a box is a desater waiting to happen!


Virtualization, again… (6)

By , July 16, 2009 03:57

Part 6:



By , July 15, 2009 11:11

Tja, was soll ich sagen: Wer Lust und Zeit und Interesse hat, sich über klassische Musik auszutauschen, findet hier das beste deutschsprachige Forum dazu:

Liebe Grüße,


Bert Rürup (11)

By , July 13, 2009 00:11

Today was the day of repetition of the contents as preparation for the test next week. This was a “quickie”, it’s been over after 15 minutes, some Q&A made it then to 25 minutes.

Sadly, this also marks the end of this lecture, which was really fun to start a week with. Wished, I would have been listening to more of his lectures over the last years, sadly, that’s no longer possible as he’s now retired…

All the best, dear Prof Rürup!

Sincerly Yours,


Bert Rürup (10)

By , July 6, 2009 05:08

Today was again devoted to social security systems, this time, it’s been health insurance and its german specific versions… ;-)

Next week will be a recap as preparation for the final tests.


P.S.: Last Thursday was meant to be Bert Rürup’s official last lecture (let’s call it a farewell lecture), but it did not happen, as some union people did block it by making noise… Sad, sad… ;-(

Virtualization, again… (5)

By , July 2, 2009 04:19

Part 5:


Virtualization, again… (4)

By , June 29, 2009 02:11

Part 4:


Bert Rürup (9)

By , June 29, 2009 01:40

Today was the continuation of last week’s topic: Social Security Systems, mainly retirement pay. Especially the german version of it…

Again, a good start into the new week!


Bert Rürup (8)

By , June 22, 2009 01:58

Today’s topics were social politics and social security systems. He started by explaining the Phillips Curve and did provide us with the numbers and curves for Germany from 1955 to 1990. Then he did explain Okun’s Law and from there on dived into social security systems, where there was a couple of discussions around the late changes in law in Germany.

Again, a nice start into the week!


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