Category: Politics

Bert Rürup

By , April 20, 2009 01:13

Today I took the liberty to start the week and the day with visiting the first lecture of one of Bert Rürup‘s two last lectures ever. He did retire from his job at University Darmstadt this term, and during the Summer he will give two last lectures: Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik (economic and financial policy) and Einführung in die VWL (für Hörer anderer FB) (introduction to economics (german word: Volkswirtschaftslehre) for students of other faculties).

As the later is scheduled at a time-slot, that does not go to well with people having real jobs, it’s been easy to decide, which lecture to choose, to see and listen to the renowned Professor for a first and last time. The first lecture is a bachelor lecture, the second is a diploma lecture for non economics students.

Today was the first lesson, the room was bursting (not all could sit, the room can sit 200), and Bert was talking about Augustinus, Machiavelli and Aristoteles as being the three major founders of economic policies. He also did talk about the differences between policy and politics (no corresponding words available in german, as he sadly stated), and about the differences in US government and german government (no real economic consultants in Germany working for the government, only the Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung (Wirtschaftsweisen) are working in Germany, but that’s a criticism council, no advisory board).

He also stated, that the lecture will primarily talk about policies, but mentioned, that due to his engagement in german politics of the last 40 years, he will also induce some “politics” into his lecture, to give the students the “reality check”. He already today mentioned some of his meetings with Helmut Schmidt, and explained changes in wording of politicians to highlight the difference between “status quo” and “wishful thinking”.

Although it’s supposed to be a 2 x 45 minute letcure, today he did finish after 45 minutes.

I did enjoy it, and will try to also visit the next lectures on the following Mondays!


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