FruehjahrsFachGespraech 2008 (FFG2008) (Spring Talks 2008) of the German Unix Users Group

By , March 20, 2008 06:11

Tobias and myself were presenting on our views and perceptions of future architectures for datacenters at the FFG2008 of the GUUG.

Slides can be found on GUUG’s page at:

The German Linux Magazin deemed it necessary to comment on our paper, you can read their comments here (german only).

The lady from the Linux Magazin did not talk to us nor ask us the questions she raised, so we were not able to comment. Let’s state this: The two main points she raises have been answered by us in a totally different way already during the session.

So, in order not to have to repeat, what others already wrote about that, I’ll refer you to the precise and “a point” answer of Jörg Möllenkamp, which can be found here (again, german only).

We still love comments and discussions about the topics in there, so, let the discussion start!


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