
By , April 20, 2011 13:33

Two days ago, so it seems (if it’s not a fake!), my former boss, Scott McNealy, joined twitter as

That poured some pieces of Nostalghia into my veins, and reminded me of a wish and dream I always had during my time with Sun.

I always wanted to stay at Sun, so that I would have been part of Sun for more than half of Sun’s existence. I missed the coming true of that dream… :-(

Sun was founded on February, 24th, 1982, and was bought by Oracle on January, 27th, 2010. That made up for a good 10199 days.

I joined Sun on February, 1st, 1998, and am now still with Oracle. So my days at Sun were 4378.

My dream would have come true on January 10th, 2014, but, again, Sun missed that opportunity by 1444 days… Because on January, 10th, 2014, Sun would have existed 11643 days, and I would have been there for 5822 days.

Performing that calculations also brought back some nostalghia, my good old HP 41CX, now also re-incarnated as an iPhone app!


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